Biographical Design
“Spaces are vehicles of self expression.”
Katie Gutierrez built her interior design firm on the philosophy that interior design works best when it is connected to inflection points in the biography of the client—their “special spark” that makes them who they are. When matched with the demands of the space and the principles of design, the space becomes a vehicle of self-expression with an authentic feeling of belonging.
Instead of chasing trends and trying to “fit in,” when someone feels that they are authentically self-expressed in their space it becomes the root of their confidence. This confidence can then spread into all aspects of their lives.
Similarly, your business is a vehicle of self expression. When you connect it to your “special spark” you will tap into a foundation of confidence and create an authentic feeling of belonging for both you and your clients.
We know that the root of passion comes from the heart, not the head, and you deserve the opportunity to create a successful and fulfilling business from your heart’s calling. Once you discover your own biography (your “special spark”) you can move forward with intentionality, tap into your unique gifts, and create a truly amazing business!
You’re Not Alone
You don’t need to take this journey alone! When you join the Biographical Design family you will also gain access to our fabulous coaches for business strategy, mindset, and marketing, ensuring that you can keep your heart and your head in alignment.
Being good at business isn’t just about knowing what to do. It’s also about having the right mindset to support you, self awareness to guide you, and the alignment of your passion to fuel you. Only then will you build confidence, gain clarity, and start to reap what you want to sew!
About Katie Gutierrez
Passionately gifting interior designers with clarity on their heart’s calling and unique talent is Katie Gutierrez’s superpower!
Having completed over 100 interior design projects herself, Katie grew her company from zero to two million dollars and has been sought after for over a decade. She’s completed interior design projects with project budgets in the millions, including high-profile individuals as well as high-profile global brands like Orangetheory Fitness.
She is a sought-after speaker who energizes her audience and passionately brings her topics to life.
When she’s not running three profitable businesses, she is in Miami spending time with her family dancing in the living room, or at the beach with her feet up on a lounge chair and her hand holding a frozen margarita.
As Featured In

About Meghan Kuhn
Meghan Kuhn is a Psychosynthesis Practitioner, Assistant Instructor & Student Mentor with the PsychoSpiritual Institute, and Creator of The 7 Pillars of Permission & The Permission Place, a community and mentorship platform for high-achieving, high vibe women. Other creations include founding Priizm, an on-demand coaching app tech start-up, two Covid era-specific TeleHealth Apps, and three proprietary coaching methodologies. Prior to dedicating 15 years to studying why people do what they do she had a career in Advertising.
She lives in Austin, Texas with her husband and two children while continually learning, creating, guiding others in their own hero/ines' journeys, and putting hot sauce on just about everything.